Olbers Ship

The sailboat Olbers departed from the port of Bremen on 26.9.1828 and arrived in Rio de Janeiro on December 17, 1828.

A large sailing vessel, with three masts, carried 874 passengers with 152 families. Many of these families and passengers settled in the German colonies in Rio Grande do Sul.

From Rio de Janeiro to Porto Alegre the emigrants came by coastal ships, arriving in the great majority in March of 1829.

The passenger list is unknown. Apparently it was destroyed in the Second World War.

Check the websites in the cited sources to have access to the list of passengers’ last names.

Any additional information about this ship’s passenger list is welcome (ademar.fey@gmail.com)


Last updated: 07/24/2017.

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Sobre ademarfey

Professor de TI aposentado. Escritor na área de Redes de Computadores e Telecomunicações. Também pesquisa e escreve sobre a Imigração Alemã no Brasil desde 2017.
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